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  DMF Users Group Meeting #8 - Agenda

  University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, 11-12 Feb 2016

Time Mins Presenter Organisation Topic (Items in blue have a synopsis - just hover your mouse over the title)
Wednesday 10th
17:30 Social time for those in town early, at Jack Greene's Bar (see FAQ)
Thursday 11th
9:30 10 Robert Bell, Nigel Williams & Mike Inge Welcome and Introduction
9:45 20 Mark Seamans SGI US Roadmap for DMF and tapes
10:10 25 All Round table preparation. Initial suggestions include:
  • Data replication - each site configures the number of copies they make differently, for different business or technical reasons. Describing/discussing the ideas and reasons behind this for each site may give other sites new ideas or challenge the way they think about how they configure DMF for data replication.
  • "DMF v9" - what features would you like/need in several years time - can we as a group give SGI some ideas on features that might be added in future versions of DMF?
10:40 30 Break
11:10 20 Grant Ward National Computational Infrastructure Moving 6PB of data - NCI's migration from LTO-5 to TS1150
11:35 30 Daniel Richards DDN GPFS Active File Management (AFM) with DMF
AFM link   Presentation  
12:10 15 Peter Edwards CSIRO Nagios tests for DMF servers
12:30 60 Lunch at CSIRO (provided by SGI)
13:30 30 Nick Westcott Spectra Logic The Future of Tape
14:05 20 Malcolm Haak SGI Aust SGI Unified Storage Monitor
14:30 30 Mark Seamans SGI US Lustre HSM (including Robinhood)
15:05 20 Zsolt Ferenczy SGI US ibound 2.0
15:30 30 Break
16:00 60 April Alstrin Oracle StorageTek Engineering HPC Archive Storage: Trends, Technologies, and Integrated Solutions
17:05 20 Peter Edwards CSIRO Moving a Data Centre Interstate in 28 hours(?)
17:30 End of first day
Thursday 11th (evening)
19:00 Dinner at Smolt (provided by Oracle) (see FAQ)
Friday 12th
8:30 AEDT
60 Kirill Malkin SGI US DMF v7 (NDA!)
9:35 45 Kirill Malkin SGI US UV Flash (UV300 with multi-rail flash cache engine, built with DMF)
10:25 30 Zsolt Ferenczy SGI US DMF JBFS
11:00 30 Break
11:30 55 All Round table discussion
12:30 60 Lunch at CSIRO (provided by DDN)
13:30 30 Robert Bell CSIRO Setting storage policies, and implementing them
14:05 60 Zsolt Ferenczy SGI US Achieving Zero Data Loss DR with DMF Integrated Backups and MediaFlux
15:10 10 All DMF Users Group - review & planning;
15:25 End of last day

Last updated 22 March 2016